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This just happened to me. I signed up for the free trial and they never sent me the account confirmation email, despite the fact that i emailed them 5 times. The trial expired without me being able to cancel it, and they charged my card. Absolutely horrible customer service

You're lucky. I'm sticking with Keyword Discovery. It's a better tool regardless.

I just receive the refunds by wordtracker, i think their customer service is pretty good.

I just got charged for $59 by wordtracker , and i am very angry now. I sigh up just for free 7 days trial, why they bill me..

Its 2010 and I have same problem with word tracker.

I created an trail account, I got a mail with user name and password and a link to cancel the account.

This link to cancel the account never worked. Says cannot find the user name and asked me to contact customer support.

In the mean while I was charged $59.

I am not getting any response from word tracker and I am also following Betsy's way of canceling my current card and issue a new one.

Just had the exact same problem with Wordtracker!!!!!!!

So Mr. Nunney, in response to they should have "some a telephone number"--well guess what? They don't. I just called and faxed. BOTH DISCONNECTED. Since you seem to have their phone number, could you CALL THEM FOR ME AND CANCEL MY ACCOUNT or I will also take to my blog. I got a 'canned' email response, never mentioned the word fraud, and didn't get a refund.

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Hello Betsy

It's Anne from Wordtracker. I am truly sorry this has happened. It certainly isn't the kind of experience we hope our customers will have.

You make a very good point about our phone number and address and we appreciate you bringing this to our attention. We will be looking to add these details to our website very shortly.

On the subject of your credit card information, we do not store any of that here. It is stored by our third party online bankers and we don't have access to it.

It would seem then that someone has used your card without your permission to open a trial account. We must therefore go through the proper banking procedures to get this resolved. We will of course co-operate with your bank and provide all the information once we hear from them.

All I can do now is apologise again. We would indeed be happy to offer you access to our new beta tool if you would like to do that.

I received all of their email responses and responded to every one of them. It's not fraud. It's an error on their part. I retrieved my password in January to see if I still had an active account. (Keyword Discovery allows you to login even when your subscription has run out.) I logged in, but never agreed to a trial. Why would I? I use Keyword Discovery. No receipt notice was ever sent to me alerting me that they charged my card in January. You can't manage your account like you can with Keyword Discovery. It's a combination of poor interface usability within the account and a clear error on their part. The fact that you can't speak with anyone directly about an important customer service issue like this is unacceptable from any business. I'm awaiting paperwork from my credit card company required to document the issue. Now, it will take several weeks, maybe months, to receive my credit.

Hiya Betsy

I do a lot of work for Wordtracker and know them all personally including the customer support team. I know there is no way they would try and defraud anyone - they are good people and way too smart for such nonsense. Also, I'm pretty sure that anyone with a half decent reason gets a refund.

So i asked them about your points. The legal point made in the email is real - if you mention 'fraud' then they have to follow certain procedures and aren't allowed to just give you your money back. And don't forget that somebody, using your CC, signed up for a trial in January this year. So this may be genuine fraud.

I also brought up the points about contact address and telephone numbers and they agree: they should be up and I think they will be.

They also said they've emailed you lots of times without reply. So perhaps some emails aren't getting through.

As for which keyword tool is the best. That's for another day but you haven't used Wordtracker for several years and they do have a brand new tool out on beta. Give it a spin.

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