If your domain hosted at GoDaddy points to a blog, i.e. yourdomain.typepad.com, and you want to load your site without www, here is how you set it up.
- Go to the Domain Manager.
- Choose the domain (if you have more than one)
- In the Domain Information section, the last item in the list is Forwarding
- Click on the "Manage" link on the right.
- The windows indicates at the top: Forward yourdomain.com to:
- In the box below it, enter your domain with the www, like this: www.yourdomain.com
- Click OK
It will take about an hour before it propagates.
I previously thought you had to add something to the CNAME (Alias) to make this work. But you don't have to make any CNAME changes as long as your A record @ points to your IP address.
If your domain is hosted by GoDaddy, your site will load with or without www. You don't have to do anything.