My friend recently ordered a repair manual CD for his 2014 KTM 250 SX (KTMTwins here). The CD contains its own PDF Viewer, but doesn't allow you to access the actual PDF.
Here's how you can extract the PDF. Since there are no EULAs or other click-through disclaimers on the CD I don't feel bad sharing it. I'm not redistributing the PDF.
- Find a Windows machine with a CD drive if you don't have one. Put the disc in.
- The program didn't launch for me, so I had to right-mouse click on the appropriate HTML file on the CD and open in a browser. Then, I clicked the linked for my friend's bike.
- The disc spins for a while because the manual is almost 300 pages.
- Wait until the embedded PDF Viewer launches. Leave the file open in the PDF Viewer.
- Search your C:\ drive for: psf*.tmp (The file is named "psf****.tmp.
- Make sure you are at the root of your C drive when you search so you are searching the entire drive.
- (The actual filename changes from launch to launch.) Copy this file somewhere and change its extension to ".pdf".
- This folder/file may be hidden. If you can't see it, follow these directions to enable seeing hidden files.
- Open it in the PDF reader of your choice. There's your repair manual.
Thank you to "El Gran Camino" on the forum for this hint.